Bangladesh Mobile FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Phones in Bangladesh 2024

1. Which mobile internet is best in Bangladesh?

According to OpenSignal, which is a private and an independent organization for global mobile networks, Gramenphone and Banglalink rank as top provides for mobile internet speed. They have reported it in their latest Global Network Experience Report (GMNE). Source
Banglalink ranked no. 1 in Download Speed with with users’ average speeds of 15.3Mbps. Grameenphone’s comes second with its 14.1Mbps speed

Grameenphone ranked no. 1 in the Upload Speed Experience with average speed of 4.1Mbps to 6.2Mbps. Banglalink is in second position with 3.4Mbps to 5.2Mbps of speed. Robi came third with 2.7Mbps to 4.4Mbps upload speed.

2. What are the top 10 mobile brands in Bangladesh?

To know about the current top 10 mobile brands of Bangladesh, visit our top mobile brands page.

3. Which brand is No. 1 in Bangladesh?

To know the no. 1 mobile brand of Bangladesh right now, visit our top mobile brands page.

4. Who Invented mobile phone?

John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper who were from the company Motorola, introduced the first handheld cellular mobile phone on 3rd April in the year 1973. The handset had a weight of 2 kilograms. Wiki

5. Which one is the first mobile phone?

The first commercially available mobile phone was Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. Wiki

6. Is Samsung mobile phone made in Bangladesh?

Yes, Samsung mobile phones are assembled in their factories in Bangladesh. The phone parts are imported mostly from China.

7. Which phones are made in Bangladesh?

Almost all renowned brands who officially sell mobile phones in Bangladesh via their brand showrooms, assemble or “make” their phones in Bangladesh. This includes brands like Xiaomi, Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Realme, Symphony, Tecno, itel and so on.

8. What is the most popular phone in Bangladesh?

To know about the current most popular phones in Bangladesh, visit our Top Phones page.

9. What is the difference between official and unofficial mobile phones in Bangladesh?

Official phones come with official brand warranty with a fixed official price set by the brand entity itself. Unofficial phones come without any official brand warranty and are imported from other sources than the brand entity. The price may also differ from shop to shop. Retail stores who legally sell unofficial phones in Bangladesh may offer their own service and parts replacement warranty of 1 or 2 years.

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?

Some of the advantages of using a mobile phone or smartphone are that you can make calls, send SMS, store and use media files such as audio, videos, pictures and documents, take photos or videos using the camera, use the internet for information, communication or entertainment, use apps and games for the same purpose and so on.
Some disadvantages of using mobile phones are that they can be addictive if not used with caution. It can draw germs and bacteria if not cleaned regularly and properly. It can also make a person too dependent on its service.

11. Which is the fastest WiFi in Bangladesh?

We are talking about WiFi speed through mobile hotspots here and not about broadband connection. According to Speedtest, Banglalink delivered the fastest median download speed at 23.47 Mbps in Q2 2023.

12. Which is the fastest mobile network in Bangladesh in 2023?

According to Speedtest, Banglalink was the fastest mobile network during Q1-Q2 2023. Banglalink Speed Score was 28.77, with median download speeds of 22.57 Mbps and median upload speeds of 9.11 Mbps. Grameenphone came second with a speed score of 25.90. Robi secured the third position by scoring 19.85.

13. Which internet is best for gaming in Bangladesh?

When it comes to mobile internet, Grameenphone takes the Games Experience award by Opensignal. The award was given after the data collection from April 01 to June 29, 2023.

Grameenphone had a score of 50.8 on a 100-point scale. Banglalink was in second position with a 49.0 score to win the award. Robi scored 45.6 and Teletalk scored 36.1. Games Experience award is given by considering the real-time multiplayer gaming experience on mobile networks.

14. Which is the largest mobile network in Bangladesh?

As of September 2023, Grameenphone is the largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh with 7.92 crore SIM users. Robi is in the second position with 5.44 crore users. Other operators like Banglalink and Teletalk have 3.98 crore and 66 lakh users respectively. The amount of SIM users in Bangladesh is about 18 crore. Source

15. What is the rank of Bangladesh in Internet speed?

As per the Speedtest Global Index July 2023 report, Bangladesh ranks 120 out of 141 countries in mobile internet speed with Download 17.18 Mbps, Upload 8.99 Mbps and Latency 26 ms. Bangladesh’s fixed broadband internet speed rank is 106 with Download 37.92 Mbps, Upload 39.21 Mbps and Latency 5 ms.

16. What is 5G speed in Bangladesh?

On July 26th, 2022, mobile operator Grameenphone conducted a trial run of 5G Internet speed. The speed reached 600 Mbps in Sylhet and Khulna districts. This speed is about 10 times higher than the current 4G speed. The 5G speed of Dhaka reached 1000 Mbps. Source

17. Which is the best phone under 6000, 7000 or 8000 taka in Bangladesh?

To find the latest best phones from 5000 to 10000 taka, visit our 5000-10000 Tk. mobile price page.

18. Which is the best Android phone under 10000 taka in Bangladesh?

To find the best Android phone under 10000 taka in Bangladesh, visit our 5000-10000 Tk. mobile price page.

19. Which is the best phone under 15000 taka in Bangladesh?

To find the best phone under 15000 taka in Bangladesh, visit our 10000-15000 Tk. mobile price page.

20. Which 5G phone is best under 30000 taka in Bangladesh?

To find the best 5G phone under 30000 taka in Bangladesh, visit our 20000-30000 Tk. mobile price page and look for the word “5G” in the title of the phone.

Here in this page we have listed some of most frequently asked questions related to mobile phones and its industry in Bangladesh. The answers are well-researched and applied from trusted sources with proper references such as Wikipedia and other market research based websites.

Some of the answers may be updated at a later point as some questions ar related to the latest market information. So, as time passes by, the data also changes.

The purpose of this page is to give answers for general knowledge. Therefore, we did not provide detailed information with extensive research. We tried to provide you with a summery and kept it fairly compact.

We do not guarantee that the information on our page is 100% accurate [Disclaimer].

Frequently used country codes in phone models: GL=Global, CN=China, IN=India, US=USA, JP=Japan, EU=Europe (Euro), SG=Singapore, HK=Hong Kong.